Red King Crab
Red King Crab
Paralithodes camtschaticus
King crab
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Sourcing Summary
Red king crab is the largest and most common species of the Alaskan king crab species and accounts for 75% of the Alaska catch, with more than 90% of that caught in Bristol Bay. Alternatively, golden king crab is the smallest of the Alaskan king crab species and is found mostly in the Aleutian Islands. King crab is low in saturated fat and a good source of vitamin B12, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and selenium. It has fleshy claws and legs with sweet, rich meat, and crab caught later in the year tends to have a higher meat fill. King crab is sold as sections, claws, legs, and split legs bandsawed down the middle.
Most king crab is delivered live to shore-based processors and cooked while live and then brine frozen; some king crab is processed on board catcher processors. Some buyers say that shore-based processors use more fresh water than fishermen who process onboard, resulting in a less salty product. Glaze for king crab should be 3-5% so it’s recommended that periodic glaze tests be done on crab legs to make sure you’re not paying for water. Be sure to check that the count is correct; king crab are graded by the number of walking legs per 10 pounds. Hence, a 20-pound box of 9/12 count king crab should contain 18 - 24 walking legs. Industry standard king crab packs contain 1.5 pounds of "broken" crab per 20lb. box.
Harvest Methods
Product Forms
- Legs & Claws
- Meat
- Sections
- Legs & Claws
- Sections
Health & Nutrition
Nutrition facts
- Calories84.00
- Total Fat1.00g
- Cholesterol42.00mg
- Sodium836.00mg
- Carbohydrates0.00g
- Protein18.00g
A small-mesh near shore trawl survey in the Gulf of Alaska has been in use since 1972, and is the longest continuous annual survey of its kind in the North Pacific. This study has been constructive in following and describing ecological changes in the Gulf of Alaska following the 1976 climate regime shift in the North Pacific and ecological responses to more recent climate change.
The Alaska Sea Grant, alongside other agencies, community organizations, and industries, sponsored the Alaska King Crab, Rehabilitation and Biology Program (AKCRRAB), a multi-year project to initiate mass rearing of larval red and blue king crab in Seward, AK. Growing king crab larvae under hatchery conditions is the first and most critical step in determining feasibility of the project, as well as determining optimal release densities.
The North Pacific Research Board awarded a four-year grant to scientists at RACE Shellfish and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks to conduct laboratory experiments and field collections of Bristol Bay red king crab (BBRKC) and eastern Bering Sea snow crab (EBSSC). The goal is to improve assessment of reproductive potential and better understand population dynamics for these two stocks. Currently, reproductive potential is based on total female biomass; a need for understanding the contribution of individual female crabs with differing life histories is a crucial fishery management need. Measurements are done by assessing: reductions in fecundity during brooding, egg quality by female size and reproductive history, and larval fitness by female size, reproductive history, and egg quality.
Improving upon the cultivation methods and technology for crab larvae, studying the settlement behavior and the use of critical habitats by crab larvae, and cannibalism or predations levels of settling crab will help aid future research. A year-round study in Women’s Bay near Kodiak, AK studies the growth of red king and Tanner crabs, their behavior and habitat relationships, and the timing of grasping behavior and molting. They suggest that females carrying a clutch of eggs for the first time brood much longer than females who have previously brooded egg clutches. Optimal spawning conditions are also being studied based on hydrographic and astronomical data, as well as other conditions known to affect beach spawning.
In North America, red king crabs are found in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, the Gulf of Alaska, and south to British Columbia, Canada. Across the Pacific, they are found from eastern Korea, the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and into the Russian Bering Sea. In the 1960s Russia intentionally introduced red king crab into the Russian Barents Sea and that population has since expanded into the Norwegian Barents Sea. Red king crabs hatch as swimming larvae and will float with the movement of tides and currents. After several months and several molts, larvae will settle to the ocean bottom and will molt into their non-swimmer forms. Juveniles less than two years old live in shallow waters generally in complex habitats like shell hash, cobble, and algae. Older juveniles and adults will form pods, sometimes consisting of over tens of thousands of individuals, and will travel together – mounding up on the seafloor during the day and then feeding at night. They generally inhabit depths of 984 feet (300 meters) or less. Adults make annual migrations between nearshore and offshore waters – coming into nearshore and shallower waters (less than 164 feet (50 meters)) in late winter to mate. After the embryos hatch in spring, adults will then move back offshore and into deeper waters to feed, completing their round trip migration. Red king crab are considered to be the most widely distributed king crab species and rarely co-occur with other crab species.
- WildScience:
A small-mesh near shore trawl survey in the Gulf of Alaska has been in use since 1972, and is the longest continuous annual survey of its kind in the North Pacific. This study has been constructive in following and describing ecological changes in the Gulf of Alaska following the 1976 climate regime shift in the North Pacific and ecological responses to more recent climate change.
The Alaska Sea Grant, alongside other agencies, community organizations, and industries, sponsored the Alaska King Crab, Rehabilitation and Biology Program (AKCRRAB), a multi-year project to initiate mass rearing of larval red and blue king crab in Seward, AK. Growing king crab larvae under hatchery conditions is the first and most critical step in determining feasibility of the project, as well as determining optimal release densities.
The North Pacific Research Board awarded a four-year grant to scientists at RACE Shellfish and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks to conduct laboratory experiments and field collections of Bristol Bay red king crab (BBRKC) and eastern Bering Sea snow crab (EBSSC). The goal is to improve assessment of reproductive potential and better understand population dynamics for these two stocks. Currently, reproductive potential is based on total female biomass; a need for understanding the contribution of individual female crabs with differing life histories is a crucial fishery management need. Measurements are done by assessing: reductions in fecundity during brooding, egg quality by female size and reproductive history, and larval fitness by female size, reproductive history, and egg quality.
Improving upon the cultivation methods and technology for crab larvae, studying the settlement behavior and the use of critical habitats by crab larvae, and cannibalism or predations levels of settling crab will help aid future research. A year-round study in Women’s Bay near Kodiak, AK studies the growth of red king and Tanner crabs, their behavior and habitat relationships, and the timing of grasping behavior and molting. They suggest that females carrying a clutch of eggs for the first time brood much longer than females who have previously brooded egg clutches. Optimal spawning conditions are also being studied based on hydrographic and astronomical data, as well as other conditions known to affect beach spawning.
Management:NOAA Fisheries, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game manage the US red king crab fishery under the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs. The FMP defers management of Alaskan crab fisheries to the State of Alaska. Under federal oversight, all Alaskan state regulations must comply with the FMP, the Magnuson-Stevens Act, and other applicable federal laws. The FMP divides red king crab into four separate stocks in Alaska: Bristol Bay, Norton Sound, Pribilof Islands, and Western Aleutian Islands. Of these four stocks, the largest occurs in Bristol Bay. Consequently, the majority of the Alaskan red king crab catch occurs in Bristol Bay with some additional catch occurring in Norton Sound. Fishing for red king crab has been closed in the Pribilof Islands and Western Aleutian Islands for many years and other stocks are currently to small to support any commercial fishery.
Each year, fishery managers set the harvest limit for the next red king crab fishing season using annual abundance estimates collected by the National Marine Fishery Service (NMFS). The NMFS, along with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, prepares and reviews an annual stock assessment and fishery evaluation (SAFE) report for each king crab fishery. The SAFE report summarizes historic and current abundance, the economic status of the fisheries, total allowable catch (TAC) limits, and season opening dates as well as generates harvest and stock projections for the upcoming fishing season. Individual shares or quotas are then allocated among harvesters, processors, and coastal communities through the Crab Rationalization Program. During the fishing season, fishery managers monitor vessels and catch in real time and can close the fishery once harvest limits are met or exceeded. The Crab Rationalization Program also includes a Community Development Quota allowing local communities the opportunity to purchase shares in the fishery before they go on sale (up to ten percent of the TAC).
Among other measures the FMP establishes are:
- Catch and harvest restrictions (only males of legal size may be harvested; fishing cannot coincide with mating and molting periods)
- All vessels must carry a vessel monitoring system and must report all landings electronically
- Observers are required on 20 percent of the vessels operating in the fishery to report data on catch, bycatch, and fishing violations
- Mandatory vessel registrations, licenses, and permits
- Gear restrictions and modifications (all pots must include escape panels and rings to prevent ghost fishing and reduce bycatch in the event a pot is lost at sea)
The US red king crab fishery is an incredibly lucrative and well-managed fishery and has been valuedbetweenUS $45 and $95 million a year since 2001 –with the 2014 harvest being valued at more than US $85 million. According to a 2015 stock assessment, all four Alaskan stocks of red king crab are not subject to overfishing and the Bristol Bay, Norton Sound, and Pribilof Island stocks are not overfished.
Impact on Stock
Red king crab are found in the North Pacific Ocean and primarily fished in Russia, Norway, and Alaska in the United States. King crabs take around five to seven years to mature, making them vulnerable to fishing pressure. A 2015 assessment of Bristol Bay red king crab indicated that the stock is healthy and the crab are being fished at a sustainable level, according to Seafood Watch.
In Norway and Russia, red king crab is a non-native species introduced to the Barents Sea by Soviet scientists in the 1960s and is now considered a harmful invasive stock, Seafood Watch reported. While management measures in Norway have helped kept these crab in check, the reverse is true for Russia, where the stock range has only expanded.
Habitat Impacts
King crab is mainly caught using pot and trap gear. Large baited wire pots are usually deposited on soft, muddy sea bottoms and make contact with a smaller area of the seafloor than mobile gear. This causes less damage, according to Seafood Watch. Management strategies are also in place in the United States that further reduce habitat impacts.
In Alaska, pots targeting red king crab can incidentally catch a range of fish and invertebrates including octopus, Pacific cod, sponges, sea stars, and coral. However, overall bycatch is very low and the species caught are not of conservation concern, Seafood Watch reported in 2015. Management measures for U.S. king crab include restrictions on gear and fishing areas that reduce bycatch. Pots are required to have minimum mesh size limits as well as degradable escape or timed release mechanisms to prevent ghost fishing.
Management Effectiveness
Red king crab in the U.S. are managed by the National Marine Fisheries Service and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. In 2009, Alaska’s king crab derby fishery was replaced by a catch share system that incentivizes fishermen to fish more efficiently. Management measures include stock assessments, harvest limits, gear restrictions, and observer coverage. Management strategy implementation varies, though, so some stock data is limited. Seafood Watch called king crab management in Alaska moderate to highly effective.
In Norway, red king crab is effectively managed as a harmful invasive stock. Measures there, which Seafood Watch noted would be troubling if implemented on a native species, include high quotas, harvesting at maximum economic yield, and allow for the removal of females. In Russia, however, management has not been effective. The non-native red king crab stock range has expanded, prompting Seafood Watch to give it an “avoid” rating.
Origin | Harvest Method | Sustainability Ratings |
Norway - Barents Sea | Pot/Trap | |
Russia - Barents Sea (MSC) | Pot/Trap | |
Russia - Bering Sea | Pot/Trap | |
Russia - Far East | Pot/Trap | |
Russia - Northern Sea of Japan | Pot/Trap | |
Russia - Sea of Okhotsk | Pot/Trap | |
Russia - Sea of Okhotsk (MSC) | Traps | |
Unassessed Origin | Unassessed Fishing Methods | |
USA - Alaska - Bering Sea Aleutian Islands | Pot/Trap | |
USA - Alaska - Bristol Bay (RFM) | Pots | |
USA - Bristol Bay | Pot/Trap | |
USA - Norton Sound | Pot/Trap | |
USA - Pribilof Islands | Pot/Trap |
Name | Country | State/Province |
Alyeska Seafoods, Inc. | United States | Washington |
Aqua Star | United States | Washington |
Calkins & Burke | Canada | British Columbia |
Catalina Offshore Products | United States | California |
Caudle's Catch Seafood | Canada | Ontario |
Coal Point Seafood Company | United States | Alaska |
Coastal Villages Seafoods, LLC | United States | Alaska |
Crab Broker, Inc. | United States | Nevada |
Dana F. Besecker Company | United States | Washington |
Diamond Head Seafood Wholesale, Inc. | United States | Hawaii |
Euclid Fish Company | United States | Ohio |
Foods In Season | United States | Washington |
Glacier Fish Company, LLC. | United States | Washington |
Icicle Seafoods, Inc. | United States | Washington |
Intercity Packers Meat & Seafood | Canada | British Columbia |
John Nagle Co. | United States | Massachusetts |
Keyport LLC | United States | Washington |
Lerøy Seafood USA, Inc | United States | North Carolina |
Lotus Seafood Inc. | United States | California |
Lusamerica Foods | United States, United States, United States | California |
Marinelli Shellfish Co. | United States | Washington |
Mayport C&C Fisheries Inc. | United States | Florida |
Mikuni Wild Harvest | United States | Washington |
Norpac Fisheries Export | United States | Hawaii |
Northern Lakes Seafood & Meats | United States | Michigan |
Northport Fisheries Inc. | United States | Washington |
NOVA Fisheries / SunWave Processors | United States | Washington |
Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC | United States | Washington |
OM Seafood Company | United States | Oregon |
Orca Bay Seafoods, Inc. | United States | Washington |
Pacific Harvest Seafood, Inc. | United States | Washington |
Pacific Harvest Seafoods | United States | California |
Palomino Foods, Inc. | United States | Washington |
Pike Place Fish Market | United States | Washington |
Premier Catch | United States | Washington |
Profish Ltd. | United States | District of Columbia |
Royal Hawaiian Seafood | United States | California |
Samuels & Son Seafood Company, Inc. | United States | Pennsylvania |
Sea to Table, USA | United States | New York |
Seacore Seafood | Canada | Ontario |
Seattle Fish Co | United States | Colorado |
Seattle Fish Company - Kansas City | United States | Missouri |
Star Fisheries Inc. | United States | California |
The Alaska Guys | Singapore | |
The Fish Guys Inc. | United States | Minnesota |
The Fishin' Company | United States | Pennsylvania |
Tradex Foods Inc. | Canada | British Columbia |
Tri-Star Seafood Supply Ltd. | Canada | British Columbia |
Trident Seafoods Corp. | United States | Washington |
Vital Choice Seafood | United States | Washington |
Whidbey Island Seafood Company | United States | Washington |
Wild For Salmon | United States | Pennsylvania |
Wixter Market | United States | Illinois |
- Environmental Defense Fund
- NOAA Fisheries
- Seafood Watch Program
- SeafoodSource