Pike Place Fish Market

Pike Place Fish Market

WA, United States
Contact Information

John Yokoyama purchased Pike Place Fish in 1965. As a young man of 25, he was at first hesitant to buy the business. At that time, John was one of several employees of the quiet, unassuming little fish stand. Today, it is a historic, open air market located in the heart of Seattle, Washington. By doing what inspires them, they became a world-famous distributor, building upon personal customer interactions and appreciation. They are committed to their vision of seeing companies around the world improving the quality of life for people and the environment. Operating from a powerful vision and a unique set of guiding principles, Pike Place Fish Market has become a model for other organizations and used as a case study in business schools, universities, books, and training videos. The business has partnered with Seafood Catch to help consumers and businesses make choices in support of a healthy ocean. The company believes that by interacting with people and maintaining a strong intention to make a difference for them, they can remain a world-famous fish market.

Total Species
Total Sources

Distribution Regions and Business Locations

86 Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
  • USA - California
  • USA - Gulf of Mexico
  • USA - Mid Atlantic
  • USA - Midwest
  • USA - New England
  • USA - Pacific Northwest
  • USA - Rockies & Southwest
  • USA - South Atlantic
  • USA - Southeast
37 Results: Viewing 1-25 Seafood Products
Seafood Product Origin Harvest Method Sustainability Rating
Arctic Char
RAS - recirculating aquaculture systems (with wastewater treatment)
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Arctic Char
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Black Rockfish
USA - West Coast
Handlines and Hand-Operated Pole-and-Lines
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Blue Marlin
USA - Hawaii (Including vessels landing in California)
Deep-Set Longline
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
California Market Squid
USA - California
Purse Seine - Unassociated
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Chinook Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Drift Gillnets
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Chinook Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Chinook Salmon
USA - California (Klamath River)
Drift Gillnets
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Chinook Salmon
USA - California (Humbug Mt. to Horse Mt.)
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Chinook Salmon
USA - Oregon (Columbia River)
Drift Gillnets
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Chinook Salmon
USA - Oregon (North of Cape Falcon)
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Chinook Salmon
USA - Washington (Columbia River)
Drift Gillnets
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Chinook Salmon
USA - Washington (North of Cape Falcon)
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Chum Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Drift Gillnets
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Chum Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Purse Seine
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Coho Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Drift Gillnets
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Coho Salmon
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Dungeness Crab
USA - Oregon
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Dungeness Crab
USA - Washington
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
Dungeness Crab
USA - California
Seafood Watch: Good Alternative
King Crab (Red)
USA - Bristol Bay
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Manila Clams
On-Bottom Culture
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Pacific Cod
USA - Alaska - Bering Sea Aleutian Islands
Bottom Trawls
Seafood Watch: Best Choice
Pacific Halibut
USA - Alaska (MSC)
Bottom Longline
Seafood Watch- Eco-Certification Recognized
Pacific Halibut
USA - Oregon
Bottom Longline
Seafood Watch: Unrated